Friday 23 July 2010

This gives me an idea...

Last night as I was entertaining myself counting peaches (stock taking is SUCH fun) I caught sight of something odd out of the corner of my eye. I turned round, taking in the horrified face of the girl on the deli counter to see a family of 4 wandering up the produce aisle complete with trolley, baby in all terrain buggy and small child riding a bike around the supermarket.

Now, maybe I'm just a tad old fashioned, but I must admit that at the time I was a smidgeon shocked... in my youth we certainly didn't ride our bikes in the supermarket (and yes, bikes, and indeed supermarkets were invented then) nor did we run around screaming, yelling, swinging off the fixtures or licking items of produce and putting them back. Jeez we missed out on a lot of fun.

Now I've had time to consider, I've actually come up with a brilliant idea. Drive through supermarkets, admittedly allowing customers to bring in full size motor vehicles may prove a little dangerous (half of them are borderline with a trolley) but we could issue golf carts with shopping baskets attached. I have visions of one way systems and traffic lights... and, and, and... all the staff would have Segways, AWESOME. Think I may just mention it to the manager when I see him.

Also, I found this humourossly (I'm sure that's the right spelling but it doesn't look right to me) shaped butternut squash that I wanted to share with the world. Seriously, I'm sure half my colleagues think I'm a bit strange, the other half just haven't spent enough time with me yet.

I spotted it whilst taking stock, when I went back to whip it off the shelf for it's 15 minutes of fame I had to make a swift dive into hiding as I spotted my husbands crazy ex girlfriend loitering in the vicinity. This gave me a dilemma as I REALLY wanted a picture of the funny squash but on the other hand if I'd gone back and it had gone I would know SHE'D bought it and this would have made me wee.

If only every day at work could be so entertaining.

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